MAY & JUNE 2016
So May first and we hit the road again. Long goodbyes with our loves in California and to the west coast weather that we love but we have 3 babies and two of the most wonderful women we know waiting with baited breathe for us in the Boston area. So I'm presumptuous maybe not waiting but hopefully happy to see us when we arrive. We are anticipating 9 to 10 days giving us a 300 daily mile consumption. If i feel like doing more we can shorten the trip but not by much. Heading to Maine for the bulk of the stay but will celebrate my baby girls birthday, our mothers' day present in 1977, on May 9th.
So we are sitting in PA somewhere on our seventh day of travel. We will be in Maine in two days, for our reservation we made for the tenth of May.
Mid May and made it to Wells Maine and set up home. CeCe seems to remember this place from last year. She as well as us, like it here. Making plans to visit with kids in Arlington and confirming appointments in May at MGH. Looking forward to a great summer here in the northeast.
Having a great time and traveling between Wells Maine relaxing and Arlington MA visiting kids and grandkids. Getting everything in place for an upcoming medical procedure at MGH mass general, in July. Keep you all posted on our journey and adventure in the nomad life.
We are , ten of us , in a beautiful rented house with a space for our rv in Brewster Massachusetts on Cape Cod. Breakfasts, dinners, snacks fishing, static line balancing, driving in the convertible, going to the beach, clam digging, just having fun, in beautiful Cape Cod. These are all the things we are doing together as a family. Building memories and pixs in our minds to carry with us for the rest of our lives. I can't tell you how wonderful it is as a grand father to have my kids with me my grand kids with me and spending this time just watching them get to know each other. I can leave a happy man knowing this is my doing and they are are very good people growing wonderfully and carrying on as great individuals.
Had a fantastic dinner last night at the Orleans Inn. Great seafood and fabulous behavior from 5 children overlooking Nauset Bay enjoying the inside and outside atmosphere. Love these kids and gk's to pieces they are my joy just watching them interact with each other and with life in general.
Finishing up the Cali kids visit with pool parties and a ferry to the Boston harbor islands. Great time, great kids I am one happy patriarch right now. It can't be described by the best author any better.